Here I was at 30 weeks. U can really tell now, without a doubt. And I am super excited!
Don't get me wrong, though. I loved being pregnant, because I was so excited to have my baby. I had been with my husband for almost 9 years at this point. We knew we always wanted a baby. We took our time in our relationship though. I graduated college before we got engaged, and moved home to NJ and he moved cross-country before proposing. We were married over 3 years when we got pregnant. We were elated! I loved feeling her kicks. She'd kick whenever I ate, but especially when I ate chocolate! Even if I had hot chocolate :) We knew we were naming her Julia. I absolutely could not wait to meet her. Every time they hooked me up on monitors at labor & delivery, they told me how great she "looked". No problems with her heart rate, no problems with her activity level. She kicked a LOT! I loved shopping for her, obsessing over my baby registry, decorating her nursery...all of that. I had her on my mind at ALL times. You never met a pregnant girl who talked more about her pregnancy. Even I annoyed myself!
The other side of things was I couldn't go too far from home, the slightest task would cause worse contractions, even taking my dog out.
I started swelling around Thanksgiving, 34 weeks. My feet started to look a little marshmallow-y. I know this, because I took a picture of them. I was in L&D two days before Thanksgiving. Awful! Anyway, I just hung in there, I guess. Then at the very end, at 37 weeks, I went with my husband to the doctor. The contractions were from 5-8 minutes apart. I wondered if this was it!
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