May 10, 2010

You have pre-eclampsia, will be induced....

At 37 weeks, I was induced. My doctor's appointment at 37 weeks, I was very excited, because I was having what I thought, was early labor. I had timed contractions about 6 minutes apart. I thought for sure, the doctor was going to say, "yup, let's head over to the hospital." Instead he took my blood pressure and called over to L&D and told them that I had "pre-eclamptic labs again" I remember being very confused. He hadn't told me I had pre-eclamptic symptoms to begin with. So this was news to me! Anyway, he said he'd like me to go home and begin what would be only 24 hours of bedrest. He wanted me to do little to nothing and keep my ***verrrry*** swollen feet elevated.
I only had one pair of shoes that were fitting me at this point, and even still, my hubby had to help me into them, and my feet were painful to the touch they were so swollen. I was crestfallen. Not only were my contractions not ***good enough*** but now I had some new issue to deal with!! I was annoyed, but hopeful that maybe this meant I was almost ready for labor. I was right. The doc wanted to see me again in 48 hours, on that Sunday, back in L&D. I wasn't sure why not just at his office? But before he sent me home on bedrest, he had me go to the hospital to do some labwork, and they monitored me for the 15th and final time to monitor contractions. I felt somewhat like I was making progress!
So after the longest day in the world.....Sunday finally arrived. We went to L&D hopeful but unsure. My husband and I were never sure one way or another what to expect. Contractions became meaningless signs at this point, and I had never seen anyone more swollen in my life, but that too didn't seem to bother my doc.
After about an hour or two after I did my bloodwork on Sunday, the doc came in and said I was going towards induction. The reason not being my blood pressure, which was 140/90, but rather the protein in the urine of +3. He said it was enough of a sign that I was headed in the wrong direction, pre-eclampsia. He said that when the mother gets this, it doesn't get better, it only gets worse. So I was going to be induced~!!
I was maybe the first woman ever to hear she was pre-e, going to be induced, and was overwhelmingly excited. I was just beyond miserable with my contractions and swelling, discomfort and pain, and it just felt like time.
My doctor warned me I would more than 50% likely be a C-Section, and to this day, I don't know how I avoided this. He said for someone who had all those contractions, I never really dilated...only a fingertip. So that means that they were never really considered pre-term labor, because if it had been real labor, I would have delivered around 26 weeks~!!
Therefore they weren't sure that my body would respond to pitocin, or if the baby would want that kind of measure.
Also, because I was not dilated or full-term, they were going to break my waters for me. Greaaaaat...I thought. They would not be giving me my epidural untl I labored and had my waters broken and dilate enough to make significant progress....

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