Nov 6, 2011

Preeclampsia Study

I wanted to take some time and discuss something I was involved in, and is in a small way, my way of giving back, and helping understand better what causes Preeclampsia/HELLP Syndrome and how to treat it. I was involved in a Preeclampsia Study at the University of Vermont that "...seeks to understand the relationship between a woman’s health and physiology prior to pregnancy and the risk of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy. They are currently recruiting women who are planning to become pregnant within the next year and who might be at risk for the development of preeclampsia during pregnancy. "

"Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy, associated with high blood pressure as well as the appearance of protein in the urine in pregnant women. It can be dangerous to both mother and baby. In this study, we will be looking for ways to predict whether a woman is at increased risk for preeclampsia and gain insights into improved ways to both prevent and treat it.

"If you choose to participate, you will undergo testing on 3 occasions, one prior to pregnancy and 2 during your pregnancy, if you become pregnant. For each visit, you will be provided meals for 3 days prior to your appointment. During the initial visit, we will ensure you are not pregnant before allowing you to continue in the study. Using ultrasound and MRI, we will measure the way blood flows in your body. You will spend one night in the General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) at Fletcher Allen during each visit. We will provide you with ovulation detection kits to aid your timing in achieving conception. Financial compensation of up to $375 is provided."

If you are interested in participating, or would like to know more, please call (802) 656-0309 and leave your name and phone number. You can also email Carole McBride at

This experience was amazing to me on so many levels. Ever since I had Julia, born miraculously healthy to me after developing Preeclampia, and then having Postpartum HELLP Syndrome, because of my untreated Preeclampsia, I know we are both very lucky to have made it through this, and yet I still have had so many questions. I also have had lingering side effects, and spent countless hours on the internet trying to find answers. I also went to several doctors; to my general MD, my former OBGYN, new OBGYN, MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, High Risk Pregnancy Doctors). I've been to a cardiologist (they did tell me I have mitral valve prolapse, a minor heart condition that means my valve is prolapsed, most people don't feel any symptoms, but I have some heart palpitations daily), a rheumatologist who has ruled out everything, etc.
I found out about this study on the website for Preeclampsia,

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog! It seems A's though this experience has impacted us both greatly, I too started a blog. I'm going to subscribe to yours and look forward to reading more about this study! I am just beginning my journey...
